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Download The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Web Series, Review

 Falcon and the Winter Soldier  Review: Between action and drama, it's still relevant                                                


Season 1, Episode 2: ‘The Star-Spangled Man’

If you only meet Captain America in the Marvel movie, you may be surprised to find that Steve Rogers is not the only person in the comic book who takes up the shield and calls herself (or herself) "Captain America" . In the publishing history of Marvel Comics, there have been dozens of restarts, restarts, and alternate universes. Along the way, more than a dozen heroes wore red, white, and blue clothes. Many times, stories about these characters weigh a big question: What is needed to symbolize the ideals of the entire country?
At the end of last week's "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" show, we caught a glimpse of John Walker for the first time, the man who the U.S. military chose to replace Steve as Captain America. This week's show "The Stars and Stripes" started in Walker's high school locker room, waiting to be interviewed by "Good Morning America" ​​at the football stadium, intended to show the world why he was the correct shot.
But if Walker is having any doubts whether he is worth wearing a costume, he does not show it. He may hate the publicity part of the job, but as someone who has won three medals of honor in his military career, Walker has acted as if he won the honor.
Falcons and Winter Soldiers, on the other hand? They are not so sure about him. When Walker said on the "Good Morning America" ​​show that he never knew the old American captain, but Steve "feels like a brother", this comment deeply hit Bucky's cyborg skin. He ran to Sam, refusing to pick up the shield to punish him for letting this happen.
But in the end, neither of them knew what he could do with Walker's situation. Even if the newcomer was a little uncomfortable, Sam couldn't "call the United States and tell them I changed my mind."
If episode 1 is all about rebuilding its two main characters and what they have been doing, episode 2 is about fulfilling the promise of the title of the series. Everyone tuned in to watch the Falcons and Winter Soldiers trade quips and fight side by side will get what they want this week. The chemistry of the two really changed the energy of the show. Less contemplation, more jokes.
Like last week's chapter, this chapter is anchored by lengthy chase and battle sequences, full of beautiful special effects. Here, the big set piece comes with a story of about 20 minutes. Our heroes patrolled the outskirts of Munich, tracking down the flag bearers, when they discovered that their targets seemed to be "super soldiers" like Steve and Bucky.

Sam and Buck are back, and the Stars and Stripes are back. The second episode of "Falcon" and "Winter Soldier" is released today, and it promises the friend action drama we are all waiting for. Read to understand our review.

The second episode of "Marvel's Falcon and the Winter Soldier" starring Sebastian Stein and Anthony McGee has been released, and we must say it before moving forward-this is everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). If you haven't watched the first episode, then here is your fair warning, skip this comment, go, watch it first, and come back here.

The first episode showed us a glimpse of the post-Blip world, where everything is chaotic and people are still struggling with their losses. Sam Wilson-Falcons and Bucky-Winter Soldiers are struggling to lose Captain America and what they mean in a world without Steve Roger. The introduction of the flag smasher means a new threat is coming. And Bucky lives under Hydra's control, and the horror of his behavior. At the end of the incident, Sam felt betrayed by the US government, because instead of leaving Steve's shield in the museum as planned, he gave it to a new Captain America.

Now, moving forward, this is our comment. The second episode starts from the end of the first episode. Yes, the Stars and Stripes Man is back, as the name of the show implies. If you have watched "Captain America: The First Encounter", you will understand this formulation. With the introduction of John Walker, manufacturers are trying to show everything that Steve Rogers is not, at a time when race and patriotism are critical not only in the United States, but everywhere in the world. Walker, Captain America 2.0, will be a central figure going forward. He tried to show that he was doing his best, but in the end, he was just another record on the wheels of wrong politics.

After teasing the reunion of their entire plot, Sam and Buck finally came together. We can see high-octane dramas and battle sequences. This friend action series has been teasing. The two were annoyed by each other's presence, so in the end, it led to the brilliant and clear one-way line that fans were waiting for. Bucky was obviously annoyed that Sam gave up Captain America's shield, and he showed it.

But in adrenaline and testosterone, this show is the most relevant show for Mcu to date. The identity of a black man, and how he was questioned at every step of his life, whether he became a hero or even a reveller, was not a lost maker. This is what helped the Falcon and Winter Soldier stand out.

A scene in which Bucky and Sam are both pushed to the corner by the police. They questioned that Sam was just a black man. They didn't even look at Bucky, a former Assassin. It was one of the most subtle but heavy-hit scenes in the series. . The series proves that when all the action and drama are taken away, it still stands relevant. The show also talked about immigration, refugee camps, and repatriation of people related to Blip. However, it does not require any effort to compare it with the current situation around the world.
It seems that after an unstable start, the series finally found its way.
Like the first episode, the most fascinating moment of the second episode is when the reunited Sam Wilson (Anthony McGee) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) face their personal demons . It is understandable that Bucky is very painful for Sam. In the last episode, he decided to hand over Steve Rogers' shield to the government. After all, Bucky was ignored in position. For Sam, it seems a bit unfair to Bucky to abandon his inherited responsibilities. He may give his metal arm to give him a chance to assume the title of Captain America.

But the government has other plans. We watched John Walker marching in front of the public; he gave a rehearsal statement to the media and talked about adoring Steve. He did not realize that he was just a symbol of nationalism: a manifestation of the rise of the right.


He gave Sam and Bucky a chance to fill up as his wingers as they investigate the Flag Smasher cult, a group of militants who want "one world, one person"-to return to their accustomed lifestyle in Blip.

The Falcon and Winter Soldier, apart from being a billowing adventure series, once again proved that it is at its strongest, when it takes a breath from all actions and walks down the way of storytelling, other superheroes show through without a second glance.
In a particularly nice scene in the second half of the plot-after getting used to the action sequence-Sam and Buck are walking down the street when the police pull behind them. Not so much to see Buck, the white people, they zero Sam, and asked him to show some identification. He refused: they did nothing wrong and they managed their own affairs.

"Sir, is this person bothering you? At this time the police realized what they did. In the United States, no black person can be protected from the far-reaching effects of the law-even if you are the comedian Chris Rock, every time the police put him When he pulled it over, he would post a selfie on social media, or he was simply a reversal. I didn't expect to see such a thing in "Falcon" and "Winter Soldier."

I also didn't expect to hear about the repatriation of these people, including those Sam who returned after "Blip", and the ongoing process of helping them reintegrate into society-paperwork about their citizenship and social security.

The tone is now firmly established-Falcon and Winter Soldier are an unusual foundational chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is also one of the most masculine stories we have seen in the MCU: ironically, considering that this is directed by a woman. But, as we saw in the first episode, Kari Skoglan is particularly good at stripping off the surface masculinity and checking the souls and insecurities of these characters. All this is very compelling.


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