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1232 KMS (2021) Hindi Full Movie

 1232 km review: Vinod Capri's documentary on migrant workers reveals the truth    

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In a country, most news channels with far-reaching influence let the crisis unfold behind the scenes without any report. 1232km is in an enviable position, and no contemporary film deals with similar themes.

When a person sits down to watch Vinod Capri's 1232 kilometers, currently broadcast on Disney-Hot Star, they may watch two documentaries at the same time. The first time was around India's biggest humanitarian crisis since the partition, and its file alone automatically qualified it to be a great movie. Another possibility is Capri's interaction with the workers he followed from Uttar Pradesh to their hometown in Bihar. In such a documentary, it is inevitable for the storyteller to dig out his "theme" story to become an important part of the narrative. What did he ask them? How deep does this story cut into the larger plan? Does he admit his struggle and try to get down to the critical juncture of allowing them to have the privacy of collapse on a potentially fatal journey, without necessarily lifting the curtain on system failure? Some people might call it fussy, but these subtle details are what distinguishes a'good' documentary from a'great'.

At 8 pm on March 24, 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the country will be in a state of "blockade" (starting at midnight on March 25) to relieve the 12 victims that had been caused at that time (India) The spread of the new coronavirus. What the government does not seem to consider is the daily wages and the livelihoods of contract workers. They will use up their savings in a few days/weeks and will soon be evicted from their place of residence, or will starve without income for several weeks. . According to reports, millions of workers (walking or cycling) set off to their hometowns due to no work, no food, and no place to call home. This is a novel about the Capri documentary. Although many reporters risked the outdoors to accompany the workers for a few kilometers, asking them about their stories, and giving them a food pack to relieve their conscience, Capri chose to stay with the group around. Workers until they arrived in their hometown in Sahara, almost 8 days later.
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In an era when the central government denied any responsibility for this matter and claimed that there was "no data", Kapri's document on the crisis became more "important". This movie shows us flesh and blood, if it weren't for Capri's movie, they might be reduced to statistics in newspaper reports. In such a world, a video about the plight of migrant labor is competing for our attention in the same space, and at the same time a baby video or meme featuring our favorite celebrities as the protagonist is played. Kapri strives to film this crisis and further Enhance the image of the project. Capri slowly and steadily introduced Rithi, Ashish, Rambab, Mukesh, Krishna, Sonu, and Sandip in the forest of Moradabad (UP). Most of them work as construction workers in Ghaziabad. After trying to survive the first month of the lockdown, when faced with the possibility of starving for another two months, these workers arranged bicycle pedals for themselves for hundreds of kilometers every day, with little or no food, and paralyzed fatigue. Fight and try to evade government authorities.

Capri collected the outlines of these workers. Reitesh’s brother disappeared in Delhi. When he rode to his village, he said in the least emotional tone: "When parents pass by, at least one of us needs to be by. Ashish is A bachelor's degree graduate was sentenced to life imprisonment due to difficult circumstances at home, including his alcoholic father. He shared an interesting anecdote about how his mother would encourage him to study, even though the situation at home was far from ideal. When Kapri was in the beginning When following them in the past two or three days, they fought with piercing and uninteresting chains, and they solved it by themselves, in case the shops in the village did not entertain them. Under the mercy of the Daba owners in the big heart, they begged to eat and sleep Fortunately, for Ritesh and Co, chance awaits them in different parts of the journey. Witnessing such a crisis, many Samaritans tirelessly use a meal of Dal rice or Samosa Explain that priests like Ritesh. Some truck drivers provide them with elevators, risking the bad temper of the police, and speeding up their journeys of hundreds of kilometers every day
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If Capri’s documentary is more important than successful research, it is the working class’s distrust of government machinery. Once, when Capri asked them why they had to pass through the village instead of the highway, these people recalled how they were beaten near Hapur. One of them went on to say, "Mar jayenge woh toh theek hai, lekin police waale ke haath nahi aayenge.. They would rather die than be "rescued" by law enforcement. All of them are being locked up. The "quarantine facilities" on the border of Bihar State have lost their composure, and it seems that they have not been cleaned up recently. "What if we are infected with the virus here? However, in the latter part of the journey, Ritesh also told the camera that once he got close to home, his "anger" disappeared. Some people might infer that this is Ritesh's forgetfulness, but in a country like Ritesh, people may even be forced to doubt the privileges needed to hold a grudge against the system.

After the government denied the existence of the crisis for many years, 1232 kilometers will still be a sharp shrinkage of the crisis. However, one needs to ask, does just capturing the crisis translate into great filmmaking? After witnessing such a serious crisis, documentaries like this also need the director's own opinions. The content of Capri's movie just shows the indifference of the "system", with several title cards flashing on the screen and magnifying the tears of workers in other scenes. Is it really trying to go beyond the obvious? When did such a documentary cross a "line" and become exploitative? In the next few years, the audience will need to make judgments about this. However, in a country, most of the news channels with far-reaching influence let the crisis unfold behind the scenes without any report. 1232km is in an enviable position, and no contemporary film deals with similar themes. For this point alone, we may try to make the "importance" of Capri film replace its actual merits

This is a documentary. So, I don’t always know the details, because then I will eventually describe what happened in the documentary. Instead, I will describe how it makes me feel. I want to point out that I come from a middle-class family in Siliguri. This means that I was born with privileges, and compared to the people you see on the screen, I am still very honored. So please feel free to ignore any comments on the issue at hand. cool? cool. In the past year, due to unnecessary reasons, I walked out of the house 4-5 times. The rest is withdrawing money from the ATM, the grocery store runs, you know, basic shit. At the same time, I saw my friends and family traveling and going to restaurants because they felt too confined at home. This keeps making me wonder if they see what I see, because all I see is: the largest population exodus in human history. 
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When you look at things like this, why do you have a bloody heart "party"? Innocent people, your compatriots, are walking several kilometers to their home, because a crazy government doesn't know that they should take a step-by-step decision that is when the first case of COVID-19 starts to appear. I am not saying you should close your life. I mean, just get some opinions. At a certain point in the documentary, a worker said that this is a disease brought by the rich, and the poor bear the brunt. This is accurate. Because of this, we should be ashamed of ourselves and take some responsible actions. You have a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and a bed where you can sleep. Make the most of it. Because the more you go out, the worse you will make yourself and others worse. However, you know, we are now beyond the point of self-correction.
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