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With "Breaking the Fourth Wall", the seventh issue of this season, Wanda Vision both defies and lives up to expectations. Throughout the week, fans believed that Episode 7 will feature a fantastic surprise comedy by Marvel Scientist. Alas (or, from my perspective, thank goodness), this didn't come through. However, on the other hand, this ingenious series subtly confirms the mainstream theories about who Catherine Hahn is playing-this is what I heard several times when watching analog outings that "good for her" One of the theory.

In the morning after the Halloween crisis last week, we found that Wanda Maximoff of Elizabeth Olsen was the most impressed with the modern family's Krell Dunfee. She spoke with a classic simulation. Let me express her shame about expanding the hexadecimal system. At first, the jokes of the 2010s did not land for me, despite Olsen’s promise and live performance (the gestures were perfect, see the photo below! However, as the plot progressed, the situation changed. I am special Like the moment when Wanda wished to just have an "isolated stay", she advised her twins not to worry that the vision was not there, and their uncle Pietro said that their father died last week.

"I am your mother, so you expect me to have all the answers, right? Well, I don't know. I don't have the answer," she told them. "I am beginning to believe that everything is meaningless. You are welcome to draw your own conclusions, but this is where I am. If this is not a funny relative emotion in the past year, I don't know what it is. The first "good for her" moment of the plot! Fortunately, Agnes appeared shortly after and took the twins from Wanda, which made Wanda wonder why her house was falling apart around her.

As always, once the show's attention turns to what is happening outside the sixteen corners, any fun we enjoy will suddenly stop. The short story is even shorter: Monica and Jimmy confirm that Hayward is trying to restore vision and turn him into a sentient weapon(TM) (call our miracle expert Devan Kogan to guess these weeks ago), Mo Nika's engineer friend is just a random U.S. Air Force person. All these nap-worthy things are just the preface to one of the main events of the episode: Monica boldly passes the hexagonal barrier on a tripod, a dazzling, and authorized sequence. Watching Monica forcibly pull herself together and cross the other side of the barrier, her past voices circling around her — including Carol Danvers — made me in awe. Great. For her.

This episode confirms that Monica has gained power from her multiple journeys through obstacles, and put her on the path of embracing the fate given by the comics. When she re-entered the hexadecimal system and she began to see the electromagnetic spectrum, our first hint of her ability came. Soon after, when angry Wanda magically abandoned her from home, her power saved her. Good for Monica! In fact, when Monica tried to contact Wanda about their shared grief and persuade her to escape the pain to no avail, the confrontation between the two women provided the emotional core of the incident. Monica's words made Wanda speechless, but Agnes stepped in, pulled Wanda away, and pulled Wanda into her home so that Monica could really approach her.

So we arrived at the biggest reveal of the episode: Agnes viciously revealed to Wanda that she was actually a powerful witch named Agatha Hackness, because many people speculated that before the show even premiered. In the comics, Agatha is Wanda's mentor. However, in Wanda Vista, she is an enemy, as explained by the devil's delightful "Agatha Has Been" music sequence. it is good! in order to! she was! I really like how this episode gave Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez an opportunity to show off their talented musical muscles in different ways. Half an hour started with a happy ending inspired opening credit sequence (nodding of Russo brothers' pre-MCU cinematography), which features a Pippi office-style score, which ends this playful villain Agnes Diti. I want "Agatha Always" to be my new ringtone!

Although the song is very clear that this is Agatha has always been, I don't think it actually confirms that she must be the second worst (the first one is obviously sad, Naqi). Like yes, it reveals that she has been making her best impressions of Rocky and causing all kinds of chaos in Westview, such as fighting Evan Peters’ character and killing Spike (I really laughed, the last part On the contrary, I think we are in a situation where Wanda created a hexadecagon (remember how the opening credits say "created by Wanda Maksimov"), and Agatha just decided to use it for some fun . In other words, I’m still waiting for another shoe (the size of Hayward) to fall. Either way, though, Hahn has been fantastic throughout the season, but especially in this episode, since she was in" Agatha has been "Hami's performance, she delivered perfectly." I did bite a child once. Tell me again: Okay! For her! (As if Agatha revealing is not enough, "Break the fourth side "The Wall" did a very miraculous thing, including a mid-credit scene: before a mind-controlled Peter stops Monica, she enters Agatha's vine-covered lair).

Before handing over the review to my colleague Kristian, I need to talk about another interesting part of this episode: the vision and Darcy's funny long-distance drive back to Maksimov's home. Yes, their scene has a lot of elaboration, retelling the previous movie, but the script makes it more flattering, turning it into a dark comedy joke, like that moment, when the visual mentions how his body is ur The result of Tron’s genocide plan. More importantly, the visual Darcy material also ensures that the importance of the relationship between Wanda and Vision will not be lost at other major moments in the series. Of course, Darcy said that their love is real and is a little sweaty, but it feels a bit profitable, once the vision breaks the analogy, it just flies home.

In any case, come back to see the plot of Christian Holub later (this will hopefully include a puzzling explanation of the Nexus ad)
Christians takeSo, with this setting, I think I must start connecting with all reality, eh?
In the false Wanda Vision advertisement, I learned to keep my eyes peeled. Even if they don’t seem to be directly tied to any plot points, they are definitely full of miraculous Easter eggs, and may or may not tell us where things are heading in the overall picture. The commercials in this episode are particularly interesting. This week’s ad ostensibly makes sense for antidepressants, because Wanda apparently struggled with depression after the explosive Halloween (probably some combination of hangovers that used her powers recently, and Agatha’s mind) Poison), but the name of that brand "Nexus" stands out like a thumb. This sounds a bit like those sci-fi names, they used to give infinite stones, such as "Tesserak" or "ether", this is the truth not far away. In fact, "Nexus" actually shares a name with a multi-directional miracle object.

The connection of all reality is a portal, usually located in the swamp, belonging to the character-Thing, between all possible dimensions. Maybe this is how Evan Peters' Quicksilver entered the universe from the dimension of his home? Maybe Agatha came here too; I like the short clip of her real witch form we saw from below the waist, because she floated to Westview and transformed herself to fit the retro aesthetic (the waist view also means The real form of Agatha can resemble the old woman usually depicted in comics; does anyone want to see Catherine Hahn in the old age make-up? Combining these two lines together, in the middle school scene, we see one The mind-controlled Quicksilver approached Monica's right because she found a bunch of purple vines in Agatha's basement. Are the vines from the plants that connect the swamps?


Speaking of Infinity Stones, I do find it very interesting. Marvel movies used to spend so much time explaining them, and now suddenly Wanda has nothing to say about the field of view, even one, especially, seems very relevant. In a scene that feels like a key, Darcy explains how he was killed twice: Infinity War: once by Wanda keeping the Mind Stone from Thanos, and once by Thanos after he reweaves time, so He can complete infinite ghosts. This of course refutes Pietro's confident assertion that vision cannot die twice. Anyway, Darcy and Vision have been talking about Thanos, and we see the stone of the soul gleaming with golden light on his forehead. But the mind stone is destroyed with all the rest! That is how the matter?

We know that the power of Wanda can work with Infinity Stone from beginning to end. Is it possible that in her power at the sixteen corners, she can replicate the ability to keep the mind stone visual with her? This may explain why he began to disintegrate at the moment he tried to leave the 16th march, why Wanda seemed to be more and more exhausted every episode, and why all of Hayward’s previous attempts to restore vision failed until Wanda removed him. Her body is under her control. By the way, I don't mind flashing back that intrusion again. In addition, we got another Ultron name drop! Man, I hope this will be rewarded in some way.

Neighborhood watch:

I (the principal) is confused: Did Agatha bring Evan Peters' Quicksilver here, or once Evan Peters appears at Wanda's door, she will control him?

Catherine Hahn has mastered the blink. No one else is allowed to blink!

The analogy film crew broke the sacred "don't speak" simulation rule and asked Wanda if she thought she should have her world collapsed. The moment reminded me of the last season of "The Office", when the random film crew walked into the camera to comfort Pa Jim, she had a fight with Jim.

I want to know if the line of isolation is added when the show is put back into production to complete the rest of the plot during the pandemic.

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